What We Do
—Financial Education
Financial literacy is a core life skill for participating in modern society. It provides the knowledge and skills we need to manage money effectively. Using our proven peer-to-peer teaching methods we deliver financial literacy sessions. The ultimate result is financially literate young people with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors required to act in their best interests and to select and use financial services that best meet their needs. Supporting young people and educating them about financial literacy is a sustainable way to ensure better living standards, especially in less affluent communities.
— Skills Development
We facilitate soft skills transfer through practical and mentorship sessions. We young people with well-nurtured skills have the potential to have integrity, a sense of self, reduce unemployment, and willingness to contribute to the community and national development. We believe young people are today’s leaders thus if they are left without the right skills, they will spend a lot of time dealing with rudimentary issues caused by the lack of knowledge or lack of skills, as opposed to progressing in their goals.